Given to Fly

Wanderings and wonderings...

How to Fix: iOS Safari Web Pages Crash or Constantly Reload (iphone/iPad)

As someone who likes to compulsively plan for the next meal, I’m always reading online recipe sites. Lately, I’ve been driven nuts by my iPhone crashing while trying to figure out the best way to use sourdough discard (hint: english muffins) or best substitute for fish sauce (because who keeps that around anyway?).

Since these sites are usually full of ad garbage, video players, etc., my initial hunch was that Safari was getting overloaded trying to manage everything. The official Apple support doc suggests clearing the cache or the old fashioned reboot trick.

None of this worked for me.

Instead, I found an obscure discussion post where someone suggested turning off one of Apple’s privacy-enhancing features. I tried this, and immediately the problem was gone. I browsed 10-15 recipe websites, made sure to not dismiss all the corner video players and extra ads, and not a single problem. My iPhone is frustration-free again!

Note: You may be disabling a privacy protection feature that is important to you. I chose to disable this feature because with my web browser useless there wasn’t much privacy to protect anyway. Use your own judgment, though.

If you’d like to try this yourself, here are the steps:

  1. Open Settings > Safari > Advanced
  2. Ensure that “Privacy Preserving Ad Measurement” is disabled

That’s it! Try opening any old frustrating web sites on your iPhone or iPad and see if the problem is gone. I hope I can save at least one person endless frustration.

The Easiest Way to Deploy to Google Cloud Run

Introducing the Dockerfile: The Most Under-documented Google Cloud Feature

Google Cloud is great for its versatility. As with other big cloud platforms, though, flexibility means that seemingly simple tasks can get complicated in a hurry. Venturing outside the Quickstart documentation means you’re likely to encounter additional services and capabilities that you may not want or need right away. I thought I would share a specific experience deploying a recent prototype in the hopes that it saves others time and frustration.

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On Being Nice and Preventing the AI Apocalypse

Kindness. Thoughtfulness. Understanding. Charm. Patience. These are the qualities that create and sustain lifetime relationships, empower networks of people to do amazing things together, and even brighten the days of strangers. We teach our kids The Golden Rule and hope they remember that, even though it’s not always easy, being nice may be the best way to get what you want and need.

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Pitfalls and Possibilities: Building Products With AI

First off, I want to make sure you know, I really wrote this blog without AI assistance!

I feel like that’s going to need to be a standard statement at the start of everyone’s future blog posts, sort of like political candidates saying they approved whatever message you’re about to have (and probably with about the same amount of truth and value).

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Brewing Up Lightning Strikes

One of the biggest challenges to being creative is finding that inspiration for a new idea or pursuit. It’s even more difficult when your fields of interest are, in my case anyway, pretty narrow. The metaphor of “waiting for lightning to strike” feels pretty accurate to me, especially given that inspiration often results in a jolt of energy.

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In Search of the Unexpected “I Love You”

As other parents may understand, finding activities that are fun and satisfying for kids and adults alike can be challenging. If you ask my 7-year-olds on any given Saturday what they’d like to do, it’s likely they’ll respond with answer that starts with “Stay home and…”, usually followed by something like “build a shop” or “play school”. You will definitely not hear them respond with “go on a hike” or “ride bikes on a trail”. These latter activities are the things that my wife and I would most like to do on a beautiful Saturday, but elicit the same reaction as if we had proposed going to the dentist or eating at a fancy restaurant.

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Portugal. The Trip

While breathtaking views, plentiful cafes, engaging people, and a mix of old- and new-world charm would normally be enough to make a vacation great, we found something everywhere in Portugal that tied our experiences together.

It was the energy.

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